Thursday, December 23, 2010

I Want to Remember This

I find myself up late just a couple of days before Christmas taking care of lots of last minute things. I've spent most of my day in and out of the kitchen in various stages of making goodies for the Christmas weekend. I think I've finally wrapped all the gifts.

Also on tonight's to-do list was making way for the explosion of new toys that will take place in a few days when the grandparents arrive. This was accomplished by packing away most of the toys from last year. There are two categories: A. toys that might get called back into duty one day...either because Sam is now interested in said character, etc. or because Jack has realized that it is gone; B. toys that I hope to never see will be donated or passed along. In case you were wondering most of the things that sing and make lots of noise fall into category B.

Anyway, during the craziness that was today, I stopped several times to notice my two little ones actually playing together. I decided I wanted to remember that this Christmas season was the time when these two became real playmates. Sure, it takes more effort on big brother's end, but they really have begun to play together. A couple of nights ago, they were in the bath together. Now that Sam is no longer flopping around, Josh walked by and said, "there's two brothers in there playing; it's not a boy and a little baby anymore." It was hard to decide if I should be happy or sad. I had been told that watching the relationship develop between siblings was going to be the highlight of raising two boys just two years apart. It's bittersweet to see our baby Sam growing up, but it's also a joy to know what we have in store ahead.

So today while pausing to watch Jack play chase with Sam, I decided...I want to remember this.

Sunday, December 19, 2010


I can't really put my finger on what exactly it is or the reasons why, but things seem different this Christmas.  And, I'm pretty sure it's not just because there are two little ones in our house this year.

Usually wrapping gifts is one of my most favorite parts of Christmas, but it seems I'm relying more on my hubby to do most of the wrapping this year. Instead I'm searching for boxes and bags with bows, tissue and tags.

Even my Christmas decor is different. Usually there are reminders of the season in every room of the house. I would describe my style this year as "simple, but spirited" but is that because it sounds better than "lazy and lackadaisical?"

Don't get me wrong, we have the trees (yes, in three) up and stockings hung. There's even live greenery on the mantles and doors (although not sure it's actually still living). But, the thought of getting the boxes and boxes of decorations out this year felt too daunting, much less the idea of putting it all away in just a few days. Not to mention, the constant, "no, don't touch that," etc.

Don't worry...I still LOVE Christmas. The reason for the season is enough to get excited about. Usually Jack is oblivious to the fact that Christmas is on the way, but this year he's fully aware. And, although he's pretty wrapped up in when Santa will arrive with a present...we've been talking a lot about the Savior's birth too. Tonight, in fact, we got to drive through a live nativity on the way home from church. He pointed out each and every thing he saw. When talking about stars the other day, I asked him about the star the Wise Men had seen and where it led them. He answered in an obvious tone, "Bethlehem, mommy!"

So, even though my usual may have changed a bit this year, we're enjoying this wondrous season of joy! How about you?

Friday, December 17, 2010

Dear Sam

Dearest Sam,

Today marks your 10th month of life. At least outside the womb...I can definitely attest to the fact that you have been making an impact on my world (and body) for a lot longer than that. Several times today I caught myself looking at you and wondering where the past 10 months have gone. In some ways it seems like you just arrived, peeking your sweet head full of dark hair into our world. Other times, I can't remember there ever being fewer than four of us.

I had my doubts (and some days they resurface) that I could juggle two boys 2 and under...thank goodness your big brother turned 3, right? : ) But, I was reminded this morning that God chose us for one another. You for my son and me for your mom. He blessed our family with another precious son and brand-new brother who has been such a joy. We're all enjoying watching you master new skills. Like your closed-fist wave. Your expanding vocabulary, which includes da-da, ba-ba & occasionally ma-ma. Your growing affection for standing. Your ever increasing appetite and insistence that you can indeed eat whatever everyone else is eating.

I'm so thankful you are a part of our family.


Thursday, December 16, 2010

thankful thursday

Many of my fellow bloggers have a weekly feature "thankful thursday." I have to admit I can't promise that I'll remember to do it weekly, but was sitting here and realizing I have much to be thankful for today.

I'm thankful for the safety of my family. It got pretty icy here last night and conditions were still dangerous early this morning. Josh was able to get to the office safely and even managed to come home for lunch with us, which is always something to be thankful for.

I'm thankful for my warm home today...and every day. It's been crazy cold here and winter has barely begun. Although I had hoped to venture out today to take the boys to their last day of Early Steps Preschool for the 2010 year. The fun was to be capped off by a birthday party for Jesus with lots of adorable singing preschoolers. Alas, the icy roads had something else in mind. So, we have been here in our warm house all day. There are definitely worse places to be! So, thankful we'll be!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

short & sweet

Last year an incredibly sweet friend from church who spends most of her time and talents caring for the itty bitty babies and teaching precious preschoolers shared this with me.

Blessed is the mother who knows how big is Christmas and how small.

Blessed is she who leads the way to the manger rather than the toy counter at Christmas time. Her children will follow her.

Blessed is the mother who stops in the midst of the cookie making, the turkey stuffing and card addressing to hear the angels sing. Her children will hear heavenly music.
Blessed is the mother who brings a share of her possessions to the cradle of the Christ Child. Her children will follow her---none of them empty-handed.

Blessed is the family that knows how big is Christmas--and how small.

Their whole year will shine with happy memories and a zest for living.

Monday, December 13, 2010


Just like many of you, I've been caught in the hustle and bustle of the joyous Christmas season. I feel like I've been busy forever. Running from place to place with a mental list of hundreds of things to cross off...although a handful of the lists have made it to my BlackBerry to help reduce some of my insanity.

I can't really pinpoint when the madness started, but it was sometime before Thanksgiving. It all blurs together since I spent the weeks leading up to Thanksgiving focused on giving our 3-year-old the best bouncy/fireman birthday party I could manage. Do I seriously have to throw another birthday party in February?! Anyway, despite the craziness, I feel like we've managed to get some major fun and major family time squeezed in these busy schedules, which is what has helped me maintain my sanity.

You see I don't just love my husband, I also love spending time with him. And this time of year is no different. Unlike a lot of men, he doesn't loathe shopping, in fact he kind of enjoys it...and doesn't even mind doing it with two kids in tow. He's been helping get that gift list crossed off and for that I'm so grateful. After one of our mega shopping trips, we put the kids in bed and he wrapped almost all the gifts while I found boxes, tissues, bows and gift tags.

Since I got so behind on my blogging, I feel like there are a few pics I wanted to share with you.

Jack riding with cousin Jessi at Grandaddy & Mimi's house on Thanksgiving

Daddy & his boys after finding the perfect Christmas tree.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

In case...

In case you thought I forgot about my blog, here's a quick recap of a few funny things that have happened lately. We have been busy enjoying the Thanksgiving and Christmas season. I really miss making time to blog, but am hopeful I will find my way back more regularly very soon!

  • Today I picked the boys up from preschool. Jack said, "I made a thing for you! But, let's keep it a secret." I'm guessing I have some sort of cute homemade Christmas gift on the way.
  • We talk a lot these days about making good choices vs. bad choices, and how good choices make Jesus happy vs. sad, etc. While loading the boys up at church last night, Jack passed gas. And, since he's a boy and a toddler it was a hilarious event. He said, "I pooted! That makes Jesus feel funny!"
  • A few weeks ago, we had the pleasure of having pancakes with Santa. When asked what he'd like for Christmas, Jack promptly told Santa: "PIZZA!" I'm not really sure where that came from.
  • A week later while shopping, he spotted a really cool pump gun that shoots balls. He told Josh he wanted. Josh told him he should talk to Santa. So, we visited Santa again...this time he told him all about the gun he wanted...and also that he needed to bring a "soft gun" for Sam. (Obviously since a hard gun would hurt him!)
  • A couple of weeks ago, my mom watched the boys while we did a little Christmas shopping and took in the Georgia/Ga Tech game. My mom asked Jack if he wanted to order pizza. He went a little nuts yelling, "I don't want pizza anymore! I want the gun with the balls!"
I hope to catch you up on more at some point. Hope you are enjoying your Holiday season as much as we are!