Last week I had to make an overnight trip to Athens. Jack and I planned it for a Thursday evening so we could reunite with the crew for Thursday night fun! Unfortunately, Cassidy wasn't feeling well, but Terri & Stacie were glad to have us fill in. Jack was pretty well behaved for his first Thursday night with the girls. He should also have felt honored...boys are not usually allowed at Thursday night events. Terri prepared Cheesy Chicken Spaghetti and we capped it off with the always enjoyable chocolate peanut butter cookies!

After calling it a night at Terri's, Jack and I got tucked in at grandma & grandpa's house. Mom & I spent Friday morning running errands and buying birthday gifts. After lunch we headed to Franklin Springs to watch Emily's tennis match. They were playing against Shorter...who needed a lesson in good sportsmanship. Jack sported his Lions rugby shirt from Emily, but didn't watch much tennis.
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