Thursday I made a trip to the doctor and everything seems to be good as far as the impending arrival. My physician is scheduled to be out of town on a mission trip the week I am due, so we are planning an induction the week prior. So, if for some reason the little guy isn't here before then, we anticipate his arrival on February 17th. I was induced with Jack, so I'm familiar with the process...but I was post 40 weeks. My hope and prayer is that despite being 39 weeks, the process will go just as smoothly as last time.
I must confess that I've spent so little time preparing for Sam's arrival. The baby shower last week certainly helped get me in a better frame of mind. As other moms know, the first time around you focus on every detail of preparation and thinking about the delivery and everything else. This time I almost feel I've neglected to give this baby his well-deserved preparation and thought. Most of my preparation and thoughts about the arrival have more to do with how I anticipate Jack responding and reacting to this big change. I'm hoping this is normal...I'd appreciate the reassurance and advice that all you moms of more than one out there might provide!
It's incredibly exciting to think that in less than three weeks there will be another little person in this house, but it's also exhausting. I know that He won't give me more than I can handle, but I expect it will be challenging with two little ones. It's safe to say I've become pretty comfortable with how independent Jack has become. Once again, there will soon be one depending on me nearly every moment of the day. Oh how glad I am to have you all along on the journey with me! In the meantime, I'll try to do a better job of keeping you updated on the random happenings of our growing family.