I've posted a few of our photos from our first couple of days as a family of four. You can view them here.
So far things are going pretty well. Sam is a pretty good eater; I'm still having to wake him sometimes during the day to get him to nurse. I'm sure it helps that mommy is more confident this time around and not as clumsy and inexperienced. At almost a week old he's of course sleeping lots...I know he's bound to wake up and show out soon.
Big brother is adjusting. He loves the baby and frequently announces, "hold it, hold it!" This is his way of declaring he would like a turn at holding his brother. We've had a few instances of him being a little possesive and often have to ask him if family & friends who are visiting can hold his baby. Most of the time he obliges. He's doing a lot less independent play and would prefer to be right by daddy's side. Of course, he settled for mommy yesterday. The biggest change is his temper or patience, which I guess is pretty on par for a two-year-old. He has frequent meltdowns, but they are always directed toward mommy & daddy...never directly related to baby Sam. Overall, we're pretty tickled with what an amazing job he's doing. Soon enough, he won't remember Sam not being around.
We're getting back into the swing of things slowly but surely. Since Sam is still in his sleepy phase, I'm trying to take advantage of one of my mornings without my toddler sidekick. So, I'd better run.
So happy to hear such a good report! Can't wait to meet him!
Love the pics! So glad everything is working out and Jack is adjusting well. Both of them are just too cute and I enjoyed getting to see both of them last night- and you and Josh too :)
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