Monday, September 5, 2011

perfect labor day

What a way to celebrate Labor Day! We knew rain was in the forecast for us today, and they weren't kidding. It has only let up a couple of times today. After a late night Saturday, it was nice to have a day to sort of catch up on rest and get some things done. But, other than some minor projects around the house, we enjoyed a pretty labor-free day. The boys did great for being cooped fact they never got out of their pajamas! Getting ready for bed tonight we already had PJs crossed off our list. Here's a few recent funnies:

Jack is playing with a toy telephone. He covers the receiver and whispers to me, "It's your parents." This alone was pretty funny, but I decided to quiz him a bit and asked him if he knew my parents' names. He said, "John & Lisa." (By the way, that is my brother & sister-in-law.) I corrected him: "Mema & Pop are my parents." To which he said, "Oh, yeah. They are your mom & dad."

While playing with his matchbox cars and lining them up along the bottom of a shelf, Jack explained to me that his cars were having a tea party. I said, "a tea party?" He said, "Yes, but it's a blue tea party. Pink tea parties are for girls."

Jack also recently informed me that he likes monsters, but girls don't. I said, "oh, yeah." He replied very matter of factly, "yes, girls like kitty kats."

Yesterday at church our children's minister passed along this scene. While she was sharing a story about Mary & Martha, she explained that they were sisters. Jack piped up and said, "I have a sister named Sam!"


Emily said...

LOVE it, that lil guys is so funny! He is just bursting with personality!! Miss you guys! Love hearing funny stories like these!

Salena said...

Cute! I agree that Monday was a perfect, lazy day.