Monday, January 17, 2011


Today marked the eleventh month for sweet Sam, which means next month he'll be one! Unbelievable, right? Our little guy is cruising all over the place. When he feels like it, he'll walk around in front of you holding your hands. He still prefers crawling as his mode of transportation and still wants to eat anything and everything. Tonight at dinner I gave him a spoon with mashed potatoes on it. He immediately lifted the spoon to his mouth. When it comes to food, he's a natural!

Here's Sam enjoying his rocking horse. A guaranteed pick-me-up, it always makes him smile!


thehollandfamily said...

wow how time has flown. It seems just like yesterday that he was born. Hard to believe. Happy almost one Sam!

Kim said...

Look at that adorable boy on his rocking horse! I can't believe that it's been almost a year since seeing that sweet little bundle in the hospital!

kriswalls said...

Woah.... it can not be! It seems like yesterday we were awaiting the news of his birth!
I don't think I've ever seen that sweet boy without a smile!

MB Shaw said...

what a sweet little man. i miss him. hopefully i'll get to give him kisses soon...that is if my daughter let's me...she's always had a thing for that sam!

Lindsey Brackett said...

Sam and Amelia are just meant to be kindred spirits all their lives. At 11 months she's in love with her rocking horse, too. I REALLY can't believe they're almost one. Seriously, we're skipping February.