Thursday, December 8, 2011

December Fun

We're a dozen days into December and we've been busy celebrating the fun of the holidays. We started the first day of December by introducing chocolate advent calendars to the boys. No surprise, the chocolate was a hit...stopping at one tiny piece was a little less popular. Each day the chocolate has a different little design on it. The piece for day one had a little train, and Sam has called it "choo choo candy" ever since.

Of course before you can enjoy chocolates, you have to eat a good dinner. Well, I guess Sam didn't want to leave any doubt. After he finished eating he was sitting with Josh and nibbling a bit from Josh's plate. Well, he decided he loved dad's mashed potatoes so much that when they were gone he instinctively picked up the plate and started licking it. Once he'd licked it clean, he noticed there were a few morsels on my plate and climbed down and up into my lap. I promise we feed him.

1 comment:

Salena said...

We are doing a chocolate advent, too, but mine is homemade, and Chandler doesn't quite understand why he only gets one M&M at a time. I remember having some very similar to the ones your boys have, though, when I was a kid.