Wednesday, December 15, 2010

short & sweet

Last year an incredibly sweet friend from church who spends most of her time and talents caring for the itty bitty babies and teaching precious preschoolers shared this with me.

Blessed is the mother who knows how big is Christmas and how small.

Blessed is she who leads the way to the manger rather than the toy counter at Christmas time. Her children will follow her.

Blessed is the mother who stops in the midst of the cookie making, the turkey stuffing and card addressing to hear the angels sing. Her children will hear heavenly music.
Blessed is the mother who brings a share of her possessions to the cradle of the Christ Child. Her children will follow her---none of them empty-handed.

Blessed is the family that knows how big is Christmas--and how small.

Their whole year will shine with happy memories and a zest for living.


black tag diaries said...

love this... great reminder for the season.

Unknown said...

Hi, Laura! I'm Leverett's wife, Celeste! We received your beautiful Christmas card..I love the pictures of your sweet boys. We'd love to plan a visit to see y'all sometime.. My email is Leverett says hello!