On Saturday, we spent the day in Athens with family and friends. The day kicked off with a visit at Papa's house (Jack's great grandfather) where we were able to catch up with Aunt Elizabeth and Uncle Bill after their trip to Fripp Island. They filled us in on all the great seafood they ate and how nice the beach was. I look forward to taking Jack to the beach soon. Jack was once again fascinated by Aunt Elizabeth. Maybe it's her funny glasses or the way she talks, but he spent a long time studying her and getting to know her better.

For lunch, we picked up some pork, ribs and stew from our favorite barbeque place, Fresh Air. It was delicious! We took the meat and all the fixings to my parents house to share. Jack played with Grandma, Grandpa, Aunt Emily and Jonathan. Later my friends Stacie and Terri arrived to play with Jack. We all watched the UGA baseball game. Stacie and Terri enjoyed entertaining Jack with his dancing and singing duck, an Easter gift from his grandparents. It is quite a comical little toy.

Later, Stacie put Jack's hair into a pony tail. Although, I think he looked more like Pebbles from the Flinstones because it just stuck straight up. He was a pretty good sport about it. Hopefully, he'll laugh at this picture one day rather than hate us for it! (By the way, we're on naptime # 2 for today and this one is not going so well!) If I had nothing to do but take a nap at 2:30 everyday, I'd love it. For some reason, Jack doesn't feel the same way despite the fact that he is so tired he can't see straight or behave pleasantly.

Saturday night, everyone gathered at my grandparent's house to celebrate Grandaddy's birthday with a fish fry. It was a typical large crowd minus a few main members. Jack enjoyed sitting with his grandad, who did all sorts of typical grandad stuff like letting him drink from is sweet tea. He seemed to really like it...no surprise there!

Jack also had a chance to be entertained by his many cousins. He enjoyed getting to know "Jon Jon" (or Jonathan). They enjoyed the swing together. Jack's last stop of the evening before we packed up and headed home was a rest on Mimi's lap (his great grandmother). Mimi has so much preparation to host so many people at her house that she rarely gets to relax and enjoy much of it. Thanks for all you do and did to make it a great birthday party for Grandaddy. Happy 88th Birthday, Grandaddy!
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