Well, we've been up to a lot since my last post, which I'm hoping explains why it's been so long since my last post. I'm hoping you'll all forgive me. We'll begin with Father's Day weekend. We set out on Saturday to visit Jack's Grandmommy and Grandaddy in Rome. We arrived for a pretty late lunch at the Chick

-fil-A dwarf house...yum! Josh can't wait to introduce Jack to barbeque, and I can't wait for him to taste his first waffle fry and chicken nugget. He did sample a little of the menu. He tasted a few pickles, which he liked.

We spent the afternoon catching up. Sean showed Jack how to play with his old Barney laptop. He loved it. We were happy that he found something so entertaining, but it is quite a loud toy, which maybe one reason everyone was so quick to part with it and send it home with us! Here he is enjoying every second of it.

Saturday evening we went to Olive Garden for dinner, which is one of Grandmommy's favorites. We ate so much! I think I had about a dozen breadsticks! Despite that, Josh's sister Kristy thought we should make fruit pizzas! She really wanted to make one for her fiance, Jeff for father's day. She had already made the sugar cookies and cream cheese spread. So, we started spreading and placing our fruit when there was a bit of a cream cheese incident! I'm still not completely sure how, but somehow I ended up with cream cheese in my hair, which was pretty hilarious! Thanks, Kristy!

On Sunday, we went to church with Josh's folks. There were quite a few folks who hadn't met Jack and were excited to see him. Others were just excited to see him again, like Mrs. Christine. She introduced Jack to her dad, who we all call Grandad. Grandad's name is also Jackson, which is pretty neat. After church we had a visit from the Reichels, who had a gift for Jack. It was a really neat flatware set for a child and made of real stainless. The set included a baby spoon, toddler spoon and fork and child's spoon, fork and knife. Afterwards, we went to lunch at a place that served family-style home cooking. They had the best homemade chicken fingers and the best sweet potato casserole I've had in a long time. Josh and I kept going on and on about it. Jack was so worn out he fell asleep on Josh's leg! Once we returned home, we ate again! This time red velvet cake from Sweet Sensations.

After departing from Rome, we went through Kennesaw to visit Ben, Wendy and B.J. Josh and Ben watched the U.S. Open while B.J., Wendy and I played with Jack. After Jack had his dinner we set out for Ted's Montana Grill, which was quite tasty. Ben and I both wanted to have steak and salmon, so he ordered one and I ordered the other! Since Josh had to work all day Monday and then in the ER Monday night and Jack and I were headed to the first day of VBS, it was not so fun getting home so late. It was worth it for a really great weekend.

Before I conclude my Father's Day recap, I'd like to recognize some great fathers. First, my heavenly Father. He's blessed me and my family with so much and over the last year has shown me how much I can and should trust in Him. Secondly, my earthly father. What a great leader he is for our family. Also, Josh's father. I'm thankful to have such wonderful in-laws. Lastly, Jack's father and my hubby, Josh. If you only knew how much I have enjoyed being witness to your journey so far as a father. Jack is so blessed to have you as his dad. Thanks, fathers! (Here's Josh lending his knee to Jack for a nap.)
1 comment:
Like mother, like son. I can just see a little Laura Giles sitting in front of a laptop (er, excuse me Commodore 64) at the ripe age of 6 months! I LOVE it! How cute to put in his HS Senior ad...most likeley to succeed, I am sure!
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