I'm hoping you all are just as exhausted as I am. It was a wonderful week of celebrating Christmas and being with family and friends, but it was also an exhausting week. The car has been completely loaded, unloaded, loaded again & unloaded again of luggage, gifts, etc. Although nothing is back where it goes yet. Our dining room table and foyer looks like Target, Toys 'R Us and Macy's threw up. I hope I don't seem ungrateful, because we appreciate all the wonderful things we received, but now it's time to find a home for each one.

We spent Christmas Eve with my family. A couple of hours with my parents, sister, brother & sister-in-law. Jack was pretty fun and even opened a few
gifts. Maybe he was in such a good mood because he took a monster nap on the way to Grandma & Grandpa's. Notice the lovely hair.
Afterwards, we headed to my grandparents' for dinner and more fellowship with
cousins. It is always a lot of fun and we have a sort of non-traditional meal (low country boil, fried shrimp, hush puppies). Mimi grew up in South Georgia so they always had a coastal Christmas complete with shrimp and anything that goes with it. It's certainly nice to enjoy something other than the typical turkey and ham for once. While we were pulling up, we realized this was the first time Josh had been in 3 years! He has worked the last 2 Christmas Eves in the ER (here last year and in S.C. the year before.)

Christmas morning Josh, Jack and I woke up and celebrated together. Jack was very excited about the car Santa left and kept making his car motor noise. He was pleasantly surprised to find he could get in this car. My parents and sister came up for a laid-back lunch (sandwiches) and movies. The weather was so nice we took Jack's car out for its
first road test. He seemed to enjoy it. He loves
pushing the button that plays a little song and then dancing to the song. I also made buckeyes (one of Josh's favorites).

On Friday morning, we left at 6:30 to head toward Rome to spend some time with Josh's family. We left early because we had several stops to make. We did a little bit of shopping and then met Carsten & Sarah in Atlanta for an early lunch. Carsten & Josh went to high school together. We went to their wedding in Philadelphia back in May. They live in D.C. and were on their way back. It was so great to visit with them. They couldn't believe how much Jack had grown. (I guess they don't read the blog...lol! Hard to believe? I know.)

Our next stop was Kennesaw to visit with 2/3 of the Pucketts. Wendy had to work, but we were able to hang out with Ben & BJ for a couple of hours. Jack loves playing with BJ. It was a great afternoon. Finally, we made it to Rome. We enjoyed a wonderful dinner with Josh's parents and sister and brother-in-law-to-be. Before it got too late, we opened gifts. Jack really liked the rocking horse. Although, he'll have to grow into it, he will really be rocking it soon!
Early Saturday morning we left to head to Chattanooga to spend the day at Josh's aunt & uncle's house. All his cousins were there, including Derek & Joy (who live in Brooklyn) with their new baby,
Emi. It was exciting to meet Emi. We've been admiring pictures for months. She is a real sweetie, and she'll have to be one tough cookie to put up with all these boys around! We managed to get this shot of all the grandkids.

On the way home we managed to share a meal with all of the Pucketts, Wendy included, as we stopped off the interstate. We enjoyed all the time with family and friends, but are always glad to be back home. I got photos uploaded yesterday while Jack took a monster nap after church. I should be working on sorting and putting away all the new gifts, but instead I'm updating you all on our week. Hope yours was just as blessed!
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