Anyway, the production took us to church every night Wed-Sun for rehearsals and then the actual performances. It was important for Jack to be at each rehearsal because they were recording them for a DVD they are putting together. I was really proud of how well he did. Not so much as an actor, because he really just had to sit there and play with some blocks and look at the Three Wise Men and Mary & Joseph, but as a one-year-old staying up way past bedtime 4 nights in a row.
The Sunday evening performance began at 6, so we actually got home in time to put Jack in bed at a normal hour. He was a little grumpy this morning, but that could have been because I dragged him shopping and to the grocery store. Anyway, hopefully we'll be getting back to normal this week. I like to think he's wondering why he didn't get dressed up and play with any wooden blocks tonight (for the first time in 5 days)....ha, ha, ha! I wish I had gotten a picture of him during the show, but I was waiting off stage. Here's a picture of him in his costume.
Did Jesus sing the inspirational hymn "I feel good!"?
I've always heard it is difficult to be a prophet in your hometown.
Laura- Who is leaving those crazy comments on your blog? Jack looks so precious. I am proud of you for doing that with him!! You are such a good mama! Jenn Hill
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