Thursday, August 28, 2008
Nine Months?
Dearest Jack,
You are nine months old today! Some days you still seem so new. Like when I'm not sure how much food you should be eating or if you're getting enough vegetables. Other days I can't remember life before you. Like when my first thought before leaving the house is always to smell your bottom. Gross, right?
It's absolutely crazy to think that you've been apart of our lives for nine months plus! You've actually been a very real part of our lives ever since we learned you were on the way, which was not quite a year and half ago. It was right after daddy's 30th birthday. Yes, your father and I were once in our 30s. I imagine by the time you read this you'll have no idea we could once have been so young!
As I've mentioned in previous letters to you, you've been quite a joy from day one and you continue to entertain us! We love everything about you (okay, except the whining when your need/want is undetermined). We love your scrunchy face and the fact that you love to blow raspberries to pass the time. It leaves quite the glistening ring of spit around your mouth! Your dad loves that sometimes you laugh or grin after passing gas. I think it makes him proud.
Since you were about 3 or 4 months old I've been working on a few signs with you. Mostly the sign for milk. For months you've gotten excited whenever the sign is made, but just last week you showed us the sign a couple of times after we show you. It's been so fascinating to watch you learning.
You're getting super close to crawling and terrorizing the entire house from our knees down. Your dad and I are very excited to see you approaching this neat milestone, but we also love that you pretty much stay put when we leave you on your blanket with toys these days. You can usually get to things by army crawling or rolling, but you haven't quite figured out the most efficient way yet.
You are a true people person. You greet everyone with a smile and often laughter. You attract a lot of smiles and waves wherever you go. I think it's the hair, which is getting a lot longer and lays down a lot better.
I can't believe we only have 3 more months until you turn one. Where has the time gone? One more thing, college football season kicks off tonight and the dawgs play their first game on Saturday. It would be really awesome if you would learn to enjoy football on TV as much as you like your Praise Baby DVD. Thanks!
I love you,
Sunday, August 24, 2008
What's the difference?
Stumped? Josh trimmed Jack's hair on the sides Saturday night. Can you believe he's old enough for a little haircut. Josh did the deed while I was out picking up dinner and movie once I returned from mine and Jack's quick trip to Rome. He had fun playing with his Grandmommy and Grandaddy and Aunt Kristy and Molly. Anyway, I came back and Josh said "you haven't noticed what we did while you were gone." Then, he called Jack to turn toward us and I spotted it right away. I couldn't believe it. He looks so much more like a little boy now. Anyway, it's not completely even since he was doing it alone and trying not to cut Jack's ear off. Thought you all would want to see the pictures!
Monday, August 18, 2008
Jack's Dedication & Sean's Birthday
Busy Beach Bums
Monday, August 11, 2008
Another year gone...
I have to say, I guess I have a lot to proud of:
- FAMILY...I have a wonderful family. I couldn't be more lucky to have found a wonderful, loving and hilarious companion in Josh, and I couldn't have imagined such a joyful, precious and entertaining child than Jack. I was also blessed with a fabulous set of parents who taught me so much and are such a huge reason I am what I am these days. I'm incredibly proud to have such a great and caring big brother and sweet sister-in-law. My baby sister, who's not so much a baby anymore, continues to amaze me with all she accomplishes. I couldn't leave out my wonderful grandparents, who make me proud every time I think about all they've made for not only me, but also my parents.
- EDUCATION...I graduated from high school and college. For anyone oblivious to my fanatical attitude each fall, I graduate from the University of Georgia. When I hear the folks talking about how tough it is to get in to UGA and their grades and scores, it makes me proud to have graduated from such a great college, with lots of help and support from those listed above!
- CAREER...While I'm currently on a hiatus from what most would classify as a career, I enjoyed several years in a couple of different positions in the Public Relations & Marketing fields. I'm proud of the things I was able to accomplish with the organizations for which I worked. Although, I'm doing some things here and there, my full-time job these days is one I'm most proud of...the role of mom!
I guess I have a few things to be sad about:
- FAMILY...I have some family members that have passed on during my 29 years. Although I have wonderful memories of each of them, it saddens me to think Jack will only get to hear stories rather than feel hugs and kisses from each.
- EDUCATION...I have to admit, my final semester of college I couldn't wait to graduate. Most of that probably had to do with the fact that I had just gotten engaged to my lovely husband and was ready to be working, married and begin our life together. Now, I think about how great college was! The two years that Josh and I were both in Athens were some of the most fun times. How sad that they are behind us, right? Don't get me wrong, college is hard work, but it is also a lot of carefree fun with friends.
- CAREER...I was sad to leave behind my last job. The college I worked for was great and my colleagues the best. I had accomplished a lot there and had to leave pieces of my hard work behind.
Of course, I have a few things to be exhilarated about:
- FAMILY...In just 8 short months, I've watched a tiny, helpless baby become a little personality with funny faces and glimpses of independence. It's exciting to have the privilege to watch Jack grow up. It's happening so fast already, but there's so much to look forward to!
- EDUCATION...I'm pretty sure I'm done with the education stuff for a while, at least higher ed. Don't get me wrong, I'm learning new things everyday, but hopefully no more tuition (at least not for, Jack? That's another story). It will also be exhilarating to one day pay off all student loans (mostly Josh's). It's also great to be able to have the opportunity to learn through reading and interacting with others.
- CAREER...Who knows what the future holds for me and my career? Will I return to a full-time job? The uncertainty is thrilling, right?
So, I guess if you ask me how does it feel to be another year older, I'd have to say I feel proud, sad and exhilarated...all at the same time!
Oh, and don't worry I'll be back to posting cute and funny stories about the kid soon enough. Hope this photo-less blog wasn't too boring!
Friday, August 8, 2008
Snoozing away
Last night, we were walking around in the yard and I caught a glimpse of how pretty the sky was. It was just after sunset and the sky was that beautiful purple and pink color, and we could see the mountains in the distance. We have such a lovely view from the bac
Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Ok, Ok...I realize that I've been back from Honduras for over two weeks and I'm only just now getting around to blogging about the medical missions trip. It was amazing. I had a good time with some great people. Our team of 6 physicians saw more than 1500 patients in 5 days.
What I learned:
1) Honduras is a beautiful country (as the picture adequately portrays). If we can get the infrastructure improved a bit, I'm ready to retire there.
2) I learned and relearned humility. I've told this story several times since being back, but I cannot get out of my mind an elderly woman in her 80's who walked through mountainous terrain for 6 hours overnight to get to where our clinic was to be held. Upon arriving, she went to the end of the line and waited patiently for 5 hours until it was her turn to see a physician. Instead of a complaint, she cried and thanked us for being there - a pretty humbling experience.
3) I learned lessons regarding a heart of servitude for my return home.
4) I learned what true need and poverty are.
5) Finally, I learned that the word 'nudo' in spanish is not what you may think it means. 'Presentacion nudo' was a sign posted in one of the classrooms where we held clinic one day. When everyone had been seen for the day, I thought it would be funny to live up to the sign on the wall. Unfortunately, I later discovered that 'nudo' is the spanish word for 'knot.' Some lessons have to be learned the hard way.
Monday, August 4, 2008
Take me out to the ballgame
It was fun to have the whole clan together. Here's a picture of us all, just before the end of the game, which the Braves won 5-0 over the Brewers.
Again, sorry for the links...couldn't post photos through Blogger.
At the Lake with the Girls
After dinner we had a chance to get out on the lake. I convinced Joni into tubing with me. She had never been before. She was pretty reluctant, but had a wonderful time once we got going. She even wished we could go faster. Jack enjoyed the boat ride. Although we must have been pretty boring, because he fell asleep while Joni and I were on the tube! As usual, there are lots more pictures
Sorry for all the hyperlinks...Blogger wouldn't let me upload any photos!