Feeling neglected? I was shocked to find that I had not posted since April 20! Wow! I've been super busy, and the blog is usually one of the first things to suffer, then laundry, and the kitchen sink...the list goes on. Yes, I realized it was bad, when my father-in-law says to me, "You're never on Facebook anymore."

So, what have I been so busy with? Well, a few main things have been occupying my free time (which believe it or not...stay-at-home moms/homemakers/full-time moms do not just have an abundance of. Maybe I'll post more on that some other time.) First, I'm serving on the hospital foundation board and placed in charge of a fundraiser that involves a tour of kitchens in one of our local communities. I helped with a similar event when we lived in South Carolina. Since the event has never been done before in our community, it is a lot of work. And, since I don't have as many contacts as someone who has lived her much longer...it is tough to get all the resources/help you need. We're about 3 weeks away from our event, and I'm feeling the crunch. We need more sponsors and need to sell more tickets. If you're interested in either, let me know! :) Topping it off, Josh has agreed to cook with one of our demonstrators,
Kathy Nicholson who has her own cooking show. So, we've been busy perfecting his recipes...which hasn't been all bad because it involves eating! (Also, our logo is not orange...but blogger keeps turning it orange and I refuse to deal with it!)

Additionally, our church is planning a musical for July, which as you may guess involves Josh acting/singing. Guess who was tapped to design tickets, posters, programs, etc? We've lived here not quite 2 years, and I'm amazed at how quickly everyone learns about your background/prior work experience. And, since you don't have a paying job, you must have all the time in the world, right? Don't get me wrong, I enjoy writing, designing and the others, but not when all the projects come at once. I also enjoy having an outlet and using my creative skills, but it can also be very exhausting when your only designated work time has been relegated to (if you're lucky) a couple hours of your little one's nap and Monday evenings after his bedtime. (Last week I stayed up till 2 a.m.) I hate to sound like I'm complaining, but I do feel the need to get some of this off my chest, so sorry you're being forced to read it! (I promise to promptly follow this entry with a Jack-heavy & photo-heavy post!)

The last item that I've been working on is just my MOPS stuff in general. Our last couple of meetings have required a good bit of set-up, clean up, preparation and the like. Our final meeting is this week, and I needed to prepare a DVD of our year-in-review. It sounds easy enough, but I'm quite the perfectionist when it comes to these videos. You probably won't be able to tell, but I spend a great deal of time making it zoom in on the photos or scroll an image one side to the other. I'm pretty happy with the way it turned out. We're also gearing up to begin our planning for next year. I've already designed Save the Dates cards for our moms. Fortunately, we scaled back our summer event schedule. Hopefully, we'll get a better turnout with fewer and less frequent events.
Well, that's what has been keeping me busy. Hate to have bored you. Next post will fill you in on what we've managed to squeeze in during non-nap/non-Monday nights!
1 comment:
Laura...you are so giving & talented! I'm so proud of you for not procrastinating on facebook & blogger :)
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