ma - Mama (He says this very little, usually when he sees a picture of me, sometimes when Josh prods him)
no - No (go figure, right? He always says this by drawing out the n and kind of sing songy. Usually, it's because he doesn't like that you won't let him do something he wants to do.)
no - milk (not to be confused with the "nnnnnno!" This is said first thing in the morning and other times when he sees a sippy cup. It started out more like "nik," but somehow is basically a "no."
peese - please (Jack has been signing please for a while now, but we finally taught him how to say it a few weeks ago. Now, he says it all the time. Whenever he wants something, especially if he thinks you don't want him to have it.)
cheese - cheese (spoken only when actually eating his cheese, which is less frequently these days...he's on a milk kick!)
ee-oos - cheerios (Jack loves Honeynut Cheerios)
coo-coo-kee - cookie (this is really cute and kind of gurgly sounding)
fis - fish (used primarily when asking for goldfish or seeing a picture or tank of fish)
f-wow-wa - flower (everything that even closely resembles a flower and even a few things that don't get labeled this, including all houseplants, dead leaves spotted on the ground, etc.)
Say-c - Stacie (one of my best friends from Athens, he just started saying this clearly Monday evening)
Pa-Pa - Pop (my mom calls my dad Pop to Jack and he started repeating it yesterday...I think short names help!)
ca - car (sometimes he points out cars)
Ca-ca - Carson (Jack's sweet gal pal from church)
woo-woo - woof-woof (if something looks like a dog, it says woof, woof...and apparently when you are 17 months old, everything looks like a dog!)
yeow - meow (anything that resembles a cat. Jack loves animals!)
ba-baa - ball (anything and everything round in nature is a ball. Some things are just ba, others are ba-baa. You really have to draw out the last syllabyl.)
bu-buh - bubble (not to be confused with ball, Jack loves for us to blow bubbles outside!)
I'll add more as I think of them.
1 comment:
How cute. I love to hear the way toddlers say things. Hailey used to ask for her "bear" but it would come out "beer". And in case you didn't know, people look at you kinda strange when you're out and your two year old ask for her beer. Go figure!
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