So, I saw a trike in the sales paper and we took Jack along to buy it. Josh stopped in front of it in the store, and Jack asked if he could have it. Josh said sure, but told him he had to poo-poo** in the potty first. Jack then basically repeated to me the agreement. While at the store, we even let him pick out some real underpants. Sesame Street (complete with Elmo & Super Grover) were the garments of our two-year-old's choice. Well, that was about 4 weeks ago...yes, that stinkin' trike has been sitting (in the box) in our bedroom (as a fervent reminder) for almost a month!! Not only has Jack not fulfilled the agreement; he basically refuses to even sit on the potty. How could this be? I mean just look at how happy the kid on the trike box is! (Okay, you're right...he looks a little too happy. Probably because he just peed in his pants! So, you don't have to be potty trained to get a bike I guess) Anyway, I expected potty training to be difficult and challenging, but this is going to be a LOT harder than I thought!
I don't feel like I'm approaching it haphazardly. Jack & I have been talking about it for many months, and I've been reading lots of articles, websites, etc. One common theme was basically, "don't push it, let them send you signals that they are ready." I also read some ideas about clearing your schedule for several days (basically not leaving the house) summer seemed like the perfect time to embark on our journey, right? Well, Thursday was Jack's last day of school/mother's morning out. I've been telling him all week that we are going to start using the potty next week. Each time I'm promptly met with whining and fussing.

So, as excited as I am that summer is here, I'm also dreading the start of full-on potty training. Even though he's fighting it tooth and nail I feel like I can't wait any longer. I know he's only 2 1/2 but he's a big 2 1/2 and no one wants to be changing a kid's diaper that is as tall as them. The plan is to lay-low next week (starting Tuesday...even potty training deserves a Memorial Day reprieve) and spend a lot of time in the bathroom. Wish us luck...we are going to need it!
*I'm going to guess I'm officially considered a mommy blogger since I have just blogged about potty training!
**yes, I just typed 'poo-poo' on my blog. I hope this is not a sign of what's to come unless of course it's in the potty...then in that case, bring it on!
I totally waited until Jackson told me he wanted to use the potty, and then there were NO accidents. It was wonderful! Granted he was two months shy of three, but so worth the wait. He did have some issues with “number 2” and would just hold it until it became, what our family affectionately called it, a “crying poop”. I wish you much luck in Jack’s venture to big boy pants!
Laura, you are officially hilarious! I was NOT in a good mood when I started reading this and I was grinning immediately. I do apologize for taking joy in your poo-poo misery! ;) I do have to say I do NOT look forward to my experience with this situation in a year or two!
Too Funny!! Best of Luck!
Lexi was trained 3 months before she turned 3. We used a chart that she got to put stickers on and when she was all trained she got a beta fish. Poor Belle (my middle child) I have no memory of her potty training, guess she did it herself (she does tend to be that way).
please talk to Ivy Hall about potty training Lincoln!!! You'll feel so much better... her story about his bike is pretty hysterical too! Good luck my friend! You are too funny.
love it. Haleigh was very hard to potty train and she was 3 by the time it finally happened. Zoie on the other hand began before two but carried it out for about a year. I wish there was a magic way to make it happen but I guess patience is the answer. Good luck! Hopefully it will happen soon.
Good luck! I have no tips for training boys, but I'll cheer for you!
With three trained, it's been different for each (prizes, candy, and convincing). You'll find the right "bribe" and be on your way! With our last one, we had a "potty boot camp" where we changed 4 pair of underwear in one day despite begging and pleading (ours) and kicking and crying (his) to use the potty. This lasted for a weekend, and he decided to see it our way. Good luck!
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