...we had a brand new baby less than 24 hours old. That's right yesterday was the 3 month mark for sweet little Sam. Although he's not so little anymore. Obviously he's still got a ways to go before filling up the big leather chair, but he's certainly gaining on Curious George.

"George, can you believe she's making me do this?"

"Maybe if I smile she'll call it quits?"
Sam is smiling a lot these days and loves looking around at everything. Thankfully, he's still a big fan of sleep too. We are so very grateful to have been blessed with such a content infant. He certainly seems to know when big brother is in need of attention and happily hangs around in the background. As a friend pointed out sarcastically at a recent gathering, "I bet you wish Sam wasn't so obtrusive!"
Such cute pics! Love those smiles!
Look at him so grown up! Still looking like his mama to me... adorable innocent smiles!
He is a cutie pie!
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