Well, Sunday started off far from "great," but it sure finished strong. Josh was showering, Sam was fed and I was pretty much completely dressed and ready for church (things were great and on schedule for me to arrive early to teach a preschool Sunday School class this week), when I went upstairs to get Jack up and dressed. I was greeted with a bit of a mess. Seems our big guy had a bit of an upset stomach during the night.
Of course, my mind immediately recalled a crying spell heard over the monitor sometime around 3:30 that I pretty much ignored thinking he'd go back to sleep...which he did. Now, I felt like a complete failure for having ignored my sweet son's pleas for help. My poor child had called for me and eventually gave up. I had disappointed him. Thankfully my husband reassured me that I had not in fact scarred our son for life and that I was a fantastic mommy. He also volunteered to stay home with the boys.
So, I drove off to church still feeling the heavy burden of mommy guilt. But, as four-year-olds arrived one after another, I was met with smiling faces and eager hearts. I sat in on the beginning of the service to watch the graduate recognition and the sweet slideshow that preceded. I cried for the second time that morning. After a dash to Ingles for Gatorade, I arrived home to find three happy boys. Jack had even had a bit to eat with no incident.

I fixed a quick lunch and then everyone took a nap. Mine was interrupted by a hungry three-month-old, but I quickly got him satisfied and back to dream land. Naps are so much more satisfying when the whole house is indulging! Jack awoke still feeling good. So after a bath, we headed to church for his end-of-the-year preschool celebration and program. As you can see his part was very minor, but fun nonetheless.

What better way to celebrate the end of the year than a trip to McDonald's, right? We finished our night out with a stop at the park. I have the incredible opportunity to spend many days with Jack and Sam at the park, usually with good friends alongside us. It is a rare opportunity to get to enjoy the park with daddy too. Jack took advantage by taking his first ever pass on the monkey bars...and it wasn't his last.
This is my first time on blogger in a long time. I finally updated our blog after 3 months of nothing. I'm glad to see you guys are well. We are back in the groove of things (almost) like we never left.
We might travel through your area this summer, if we end up coming that way I will let you know so maybe we can see you all.
You are a great mom, I know those things make you feel awful, but you can't dwell on it.
Take Care
You are a wonderful momma! We all have those moments, and lack of sleep gets the best of any of us! Glad the day got better. Sweet plain old days are the best.
You're one of the best momma's I know! When it's the middle of the night (and it’s the older kid) I tend to tell myself “they’ll go right back to sleep, just don’t get too awake”. Last night Hailey was in our bed because she wasn’t sleeping well. She kept me up all night rubbing her arms and legs. I was getting kinda annoyed….. little did I know she had poison ivy! I guess she was itchy! (post to come!)
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