Whew...what a week. It's been a busy one. The greater part of my Tuesday & Wednesday was spent helping with the preparations for Wednesday Night Supper at our church. There are several "Supper Shepherds" or lead chefs and they are responsible for recruiting their own help each time they cook. Denise (one of the shepherds) had been asking me to join in the fun. So, I did. I don't think I'll look at my WNS meal the same way again! A lot of work goes into preparing lasagna, salad, bread & dessert for 275 people! I had a lot of fun working with the other ladies in the kitchen and will most definitely volunteer with Denise again when her week rolls around again.

Thursday night was Bunco and
Merideth's birthday. So, several of us girls celebrated with cake and coffee. Like our make-shift birthday candle?

Friday seems so long ago. One thing I do remember about Friday was that Josh had been in the mood for some sushi for a few days. We decided to trek down to Gainesvegas to indulge. Jack liked the chopsticks and the huge drum by the door to the restaurant.
We spent Saturday in Athens. We headed down for lunch and met up with Stacie at Chick-fil-A. Where else, right? Poor Josh just puts up with my CFA obsession. After dropping Jack off at my parents, we headed to a matinee. I think the last movie Josh & I went to see together was Juno. We took Jack, who was probably 2 months old, and he slept the entire time. Just in case, it's a while before we get back to the theatre we wanted to pick a winner (and we did!) We saw Slumdog Millionaire. It was a beautiful movie with a beautiful story, and I highly recommend it!

After the movies, we headed back to my parents to celebrate my sister's recent engagement and also her & Josh's birthday's (a little early!) Of course, the Wii was on non-stop, and Jack even got a turn. When it was time for birthday candles, we realized we didn't have the appropriate numbers (23 for Em & 32 for Josh). As you can see we managed to improvise yet again!

On Sunday, we hit the road again. This time headed to Chattanooga for cousin Nathan's 3rd birthday party! It was an inflatables party. I think it's safe to say the adults had a lot more fun than the kids. There are lots
more pictures here.
And, in case I haven't filled you in, Jack is walking now. Often times, he still prefers to crawl, but he's gotten very good at getting up after falling. Josh pointed out he looks a little like Frankenstein with his arms flailing about in front of him. We look forward to his check-up Wednesday to see how he's grown.
1 comment:
What a week, indeed! I am so glad that I got to be a part of it! I marvel at how much life you and Josh manage to pack into each weekend.
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