When you are two "cookies" is a perfectly acceptable answer no matter what the question is. Breakfast, lunch, snack, dinner...cookies are the fifth food group.
When you are two you wake up one morning (about 6 weeks ago) and realize you don't own a helmet and that is a problem. Once you own your helmet you decide that you must wear it sometimes no matter what else is going on...oh and don't forget the knee and elbow pads. All before you've even had a chance to change out of your pajamas.
after chasing around a two year old at the baseball game tonight, i totally understand. i'm counting down the days until eli is the same way. i think i'll take not sleeping through the night right now. :)
well put!
Adorable! Love this. Still can't believe he's 2. :-)
love the helmet-stage. a friend of mine's son also went through this stage... now i think he is in a tool belt-stage. so funny.
It's always best to be prepared!
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