Okay, okay...so it took me three days to get this up, but we've been busy since his return. Josh is officially back from Honduras. His plane got in Sunday evening. After going through customs and all the usual long lines, we finally spotted him in the Arrivals Lobby at the Atlanta airport around 7:45. It turned out to be good that it took him so long, because Jack and I were stuck in traffic. Anyone who has been in Atlanta in the last month knows they are repaving the connector through downtown on the weekends. We've dealt with the madness two weekends in a row now. Here's one of the shots of Jack playing with daddy after his return!

Jack and I were both excited to see Josh, and Jack didn't have any trouble recognizing his daddy despite his 8-day old scruff, which he has since trimmed up and is trying out. He has had a beard before and he loves them, so we'll see what happens. I think he looks great with a beard, but have a hard time classifying him as a beard person.

Jack and I stopped and had lunch with my brother and sister-in-law before heading to the airport to pick up Josh. It was fun to catch up with them. We even made a trip to Target, which I always enjoy. Jack got pretty ill in the car about the time we hit traffic, and wailed pretty much the remaining 30-45 minutes of the trip. I think he was tired of being in the car and ready to see his daddy, because he was fine while we waited the 45 minutes or so for Josh. He even made friends with the people all around us in the lobby. He seems to make friends easily...I think it's the hair.
I heard a lot about Josh's trip on the way home, and will hopefully talk him into sharing some of his adventures here. I think they had a great trip and saw more than1500 patients during their 5 days of clinic in the villages surrounding La Esperanza, Honduras. He's already talking about doing the trip again next year.
Josh, Do write about your trip - I want to hear about it!
So glad Josh is back. Maybe he can blog about his experience. I won't get my hopes up though! :-)
I sure hope we can hear more about this trip. My favorite thing we did in Venezuela was the medical campaigns.
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