Friday was our last day in Greenwood and we managed to squeeze a lot in. We began at the Todds where
Jack and Noah got reacquainted. It had been a couple of months since they had seen each other last, and a lot changes in that time. They are both sitting up very well these days, and
Noah is a mobile guy. Jack was pretty entertained watching him crawl around.
Tripp & Gretchen stopped by too. It was so neat to see all the boys together. They were all born within about 6 weeks of one another.
Next, we stopped by Nancy's, my former boss, to visit. She retired just before we moved, so I don't get the opportunity to catch her when I visit the college. She seemed to be enjoying retirement and has become quite an active walker and was telling me all about a recent stay in a cabin without tv & a/c. Although not typically her idea of fun, she said she's ready to go back. It was so nice to see her and to hear how well she's doing. I think she enjoyed seeing Jack too.

Our last stop before returning to Kristie's was to see the McGees. Ashley & Sarah finished residency last year at the same time as Josh and I. They served in Kenya as missionaries for several months before returning to Greenwood. Ashley is now working in Ware Shoals and they had their second child a couple of months ago. Their 2-year-old, Maggie, is so grown up now. She and Jack were
smitten with one another. I also got to cuddle with Harper, Maggie's new little brother. It was so lovely to see them. I'm glad Sarah didn't mind us popping in. I called her about an hour before I came over. Since they moved back to the states rather recently, I didn't have her number. They seem to be doing really well.

Jack was pretty worn out after all the stopping and going, but he didn't get many naps. We headed back to Kristie's to say goodbye, but decided to stick around while Kristie's great neices and nephews had their pictures made. They all looked so cute. Since it was getting close to Jack's dinner time, we stayed for him to eat. Before we left, I put him in his jammies and he slept the whole way home. I was exhausted, much like I am now after a day of cleaning and straightening up, but I really wanted to get you all caught up on our whirlwind trip. Here's Halle entertaining "baby Jack."
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