On Saturday, Stacie came to spend the day with us. She's such a trooper; she agreed to accompany us on an all day excursion to Buford. I needed a few things from Target, and we had several other places we wanted to stop by. The fun began in Target when we spotted this really cute club chair for a kid. I couldn't resist putting Jack in it. It was so funny. Oh, and no we didn't buy it.

We saw some signs that Toys 'R Us was closing (they are opening a newer one, right next to a brand new Babies 'R Us...yeah!) and trying to get rid of as much as possible. So, we went in. They had a lot of markdowns, but they weren't giving anything away yet. We picked up a birthday gift for someone who shall remain nameless (in case they read this!) Of course, we couldn't leave without letting Stacie show off her Guitar Hero skills. She just got Guitar Hero at home and now we can't wait to stop by for a visit next Sunday!

The fun continued until dinner at Provino's...one of our favorite places in Buford. I think one reason we like it so much, is Josh and I went to the Provino's in Athens for our first date about 10 years ago! Shortly after that, it closed...not exactly an excellent omen, huh? Anyway, we're glad to see another location going strong...at least we think? After returning home, Stacie even agreed to stay for a movie. I hope we didn't wear her out too much. The greatest thing happened while we were loafing around the video store. Our bestest friend, Terri send a picture message to show and tell us that she had gotten engaged! We were so excited, we had to call her right then! I can't wait to see her and her rock on Sunday! Congrats, Terri & John!
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