Today is the first Friday in October, and I thought about doing a little flashback. If I can remember I'd like to do it every month. Wouldn't that be fun??
A week ago, we were gearing up to celebrate
my dad's birthday down in Athens. It was a lot of fun, and it's always a treat when we get to have a big gathering. This party included my family, my brother & his wife, my parents, my in-laws and my sister-in-law & her fiance. Josh & I are so blessed to have families that don't just tolerate spending time together, but actually enjoy it. I know our boys will be blessed by it too!
One month ago, I was recalling a blissfully simple
Labor Day, which was just what our family needed.
And while the crisp fall air has moved in and mornings now require sleeves, just three short months ago I was writing an
Ode to Summer and trying to figure when
Sam turned into a big boy who rides bikes and climbs ladders.
Can't believe it's been almost six months since we were unexpectedly
celebrating an appearance from my kid sister, who lives in Germany. That very month I was documenting Sam's then favorite word/sign: "
more." Ironically, he doesn't sign much anymore at all, but
says so much more now! In fact, he's looking at me saying, "up, please!" as I sit and type this very post. Jack was also sharing
his version of things.
A year ago, I had a sweet little baby that was on the brink of learning to crawl, and we took Jack to his
first event at the fabulous Fox Theatre in Atlanta. That big boy was on the verge of turning three and had begun
cracking us up on a daily basis. We were enjoying our first
fall as a family of four.
Two years ago, we were enjoying a
day at the farm with our buddies Gus and Mack. We took Jack to the final
Braves game of the season, in which he napped while wearing a BK crown all the way to the ballpark! We found out we'd be welcoming a second
BOY to our family. We squeezed a
beach trip with great friends into our fall.
Three years ago seems soooo long ago! We were enjoying watching Jack explore his surroundings and test his legs by cruising about. He was about a month shy of his first birthday, and now we're just weeks away from the big 4!
Hope you had fun flashing back with us. Want to reminisce with us?