Monday, August 30, 2010
Mine vs. Yours
This afternoon Jack woke up from his nap a little too clingy, and I was doing my best to get dinner done so we could eat and spend as much time with daddy before he had to head back out. As we cuddled on the couch, he spotted the remote and asked, "I watch my shows?" I flipped on the tv, which happened to be tuned to ESPN. After seeing that Pardon the Interruption was on, he said, "that's your show, mommy?" When I agreed, he said, "Yes, that show for you and daddy." So, I asked, "do you want to watch this show?" He promptly replied, "Nnnah, that's your show!"
Thank you for...
As part of our nightly bedtime routine with Jack we take turns praying. Jack usually goes first. For several weeks he's said the same prayer over and over again each night. Finally last night he broke tradition and added to it. I'm sure I'll leave something out, but here's the general idea of his precious prayer that warmed my heart:
"Thank you God for help Jack poo poo in the potty (this is his usual line, and then "amen," but he continued); and thank you our bible and our food and...cookies and... crackers and...jumpy thing or...(somehow his "ands" turned into "ors") fire truck or... ambulance or... love-love or... glo-worm or... music box. Amen!"
"Thank you God for help Jack poo poo in the potty (this is his usual line, and then "amen," but he continued); and thank you our bible and our food and...cookies and... crackers and...jumpy thing or...(somehow his "ands" turned into "ors") fire truck or... ambulance or... love-love or... glo-worm or... music box. Amen!"
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Simple Pleasures
Over the last few days I've caught myself smiling and enjoying a few somewhat simple pleasures.
Watching the sheer joy a homemade ramp can bring to a pair of automobile lovers!
Getting a haircut. Having your hair shampooed and styled by someone else is sheer bliss, not to mention the adult conversation.
Two dry nights in a row for Jack. He had a bad spell there for a few days, which translated to a grumpy mommy. We're also finally seeing some victories on the #2 front (or rear). Pretty much telling us he needs to go at some point everyday and succeeding!
Seeing your sweet toddler sharing his prized popsicle with his little brother unprompted. This included removing Sam's paci, letting him try the popsicle and then returning the paci to previous position!
Finding some time for leisure reading. Whether it's a magazine or a book. I've found a few moments this week to get lost in the printed words.
The slight breeze (notice I said slight, April!). I'm a lover of warm temperatures, but this summer has been one of the hottest I can remember. I am thankful for things cooling off just a lunches on the back deck and afternoons outside. I feel like we haven't been able to step outside before 7:30 p.m. all summer long.
White knee socks on fat little chubby baby legs.
Watching the sheer joy a homemade ramp can bring to a pair of automobile lovers!
Getting a haircut. Having your hair shampooed and styled by someone else is sheer bliss, not to mention the adult conversation.
Two dry nights in a row for Jack. He had a bad spell there for a few days, which translated to a grumpy mommy. We're also finally seeing some victories on the #2 front (or rear). Pretty much telling us he needs to go at some point everyday and succeeding!
Seeing your sweet toddler sharing his prized popsicle with his little brother unprompted. This included removing Sam's paci, letting him try the popsicle and then returning the paci to previous position!
Finding some time for leisure reading. Whether it's a magazine or a book. I've found a few moments this week to get lost in the printed words.
The slight breeze (notice I said slight, April!). I'm a lover of warm temperatures, but this summer has been one of the hottest I can remember. I am thankful for things cooling off just a lunches on the back deck and afternoons outside. I feel like we haven't been able to step outside before 7:30 p.m. all summer long.
White knee socks on fat little chubby baby legs.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Nope...Didn't Happen
Warning: Reading this post could lead to tears. Proceed with caution.
In case you were wondering, here are a few things I did NOT do today.
In case you were wondering, here are a few things I did NOT do today.
- Didn't get a 6:30 a.m. wake-up call from a cranky two-year-old.
- Didn't have to convince said two-year-old that he did indeed want to go to preschool today.
- I did not watch the same two-year-old do a 180 at the preschool door and run screaming in the opposite direction all the way through the lobby and out the double doors of the building!
- I definitely didn't have to hear that two-year-old sobbing as I bolted for the same doors moments later.
- I know I didn't see my six-month old who almost sitting up in the grocery cart.
- I most definitely didn't have lunch with my sister and brother-in-law for one of the last times in a long while.
- I surely did not tear up watching the same two-year-old give his aunt Emmy a hug.
- That wasn't me who wanted to scream, "not soon enough" after hearing that two-year-old tell his aunt and uncle: "see you soon!"
- And I'm most certain that I didn't hug my baby sister today for the last time before she moves to Germany for 3 1/2 years.
Monday, August 23, 2010
Another Sunday with the Family
Sunday was another family reunion, but this one was a bit more bittersweet. It was our last family gathering before my little sister departs for Germany on Friday. It was a hot and muggy day, so I'm pretty sure that was sweat running down my face as I watched Emily hug my 90-year-old grandad.
![]() |
"Are you sure you have to move to Germany?" |
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Birthday x 3 = FUN!
Saturday we had the pleasure of having Josh's family over to celebrate three birthdays. Mine, our nephew Sean's and Josh's dad's are all within about two weeks. We typically celebrate together. When they arrived Josh's sister and I started on a cake. Kristy had envisioned a green cake with football players and cheerleaders on it. She made all the characters in advance. The cake was certainly delicious, but I'm not sure you want to call the Food Network just yet...the finished product wasn't exactly picture perfect, but still photo worthy. Who knows...maybe it will end up over here at some point!
Sean & Jack had a ball playing together as always. Grandmommy & Grandaddy also brought Jack & Sam their very own patio table for outside. Thankfully, the rain stopped and it turned out to be a pretty comfortable afternoon outside. So, the table was assembled and snack were enjoyed!
Sam enjoyed some tickles from his Aunt Kristy too. It was a triple sized celebration just perfect for three special people...hey, the writer reserves the right to call herself special :)
Friday, August 20, 2010
raNdOm tHouGhTs
a few random thoughts I had today:
- Is it divine intervention when the last bit of aluminum foil on the roll is the exact size you needed?
- I love wrapping paper with the grids on the inside! Why is this not a requirement? Is there some sort of gift wrap regulation board I should contact?
- Wonder how long it takes for a half-eaten banana to begin smelling? (After finding one on the ottoman in the living room once the boys were in bed tonight.)
- How many pairs of Toms are too many? (I totally heart their comfort and versatility.)
- Is it weird that TLC followed 'Say Yes to the Dress' with a show called 'Left at the Altar?'
- Do I spend too much time on FaceBook? Or reading blogs? Nah, sometimes they are my only shot at adult interaction in a day. (I usually have a way of convincing myself of what I want to hear...)
"All My Byself"
So, Mr. Independent wanted to put on his own pjs last night after his bath. He did such a great job...I didn't help him at all. In fact, I'm pretty sure I was changing Sam. I remember being surprised to find Jack completely clothed in his pajamas. Take a look on the right over there.
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Chalk it up as Fun
- It's relatively cheap fun. I got a box of 52 sticks from Wal-Mart for $3. Just try not to factor in that you'll have to wash your child's entire outfit (including shoes) and promptly give them a bath.
- It gets your creative juices flowing and can make you feel like a kid again. For a moment you can forget about almost anything else that is going on and scribble away. Design anything you like. The world is your oyster, or sidewalk in this case!
- There are SOOO many colors to choose from, and the colors are so fun and vibrant. How can you not smile after looking at this kind of rainbow of colors?
- You're never more than a rainstorm away from a completely new design. The rain (or water hose) cleanses your palette and prepares it for a fresh start.
- Anyone can do it! Here's some of Jack's recent chalk art. Granted I crossed the "A" for him, but he was the one who declared it an "A" (after I asked if it was a "V"...oops!). He's also a fan of "BIG I's" and "little I's," which basically just means long lines and short lines. Won't it be fun to watch his creativity bloom in our own driveway?
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Dear Sleep,
Where are you tonight? Have I forsaken you? Is that why you have abandoned me tonight/this morning? I know I waited much too late to greet you Monday evening, but isn't that pretty much our routine? I even thought that might make our date tonight all the more lovely.
Perhaps somethings are too big for you. Is my mind too cluttered for you to clear? Is my internal computer jumping too quickly from program to program for you to find the 'hibernate' button? I guess I shouldn't blame you. I do have much on my mind.
I do appreciate that you have been visiting my little ones for at least 10-11 hours each night. Aside from the slight interruption at 1:30, from Jack's bladder. Does that mean he'll hang out with you a little longer in the morning? I sure hope so...because if I ever get the splendor of meeting you tonight/this morning, I'm betting I won't be so pleasant at 6:45.
Although not here on the blog, I've done my best to jot down a few of my brain's hyper-activity, so maybe we can try to get together again in a few minutes. I'd love to get to know you again.
Yours Truly,
Where are you tonight? Have I forsaken you? Is that why you have abandoned me tonight/this morning? I know I waited much too late to greet you Monday evening, but isn't that pretty much our routine? I even thought that might make our date tonight all the more lovely.
Perhaps somethings are too big for you. Is my mind too cluttered for you to clear? Is my internal computer jumping too quickly from program to program for you to find the 'hibernate' button? I guess I shouldn't blame you. I do have much on my mind.
I do appreciate that you have been visiting my little ones for at least 10-11 hours each night. Aside from the slight interruption at 1:30, from Jack's bladder. Does that mean he'll hang out with you a little longer in the morning? I sure hope so...because if I ever get the splendor of meeting you tonight/this morning, I'm betting I won't be so pleasant at 6:45.
Although not here on the blog, I've done my best to jot down a few of my brain's hyper-activity, so maybe we can try to get together again in a few minutes. I'd love to get to know you again.
Yours Truly,
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Six Months
So, Sam checks in at 27.25 inches in length and 16 lbs 11 oz for weight, which is apparently just above average and average, respectively. He did pretty well with shots again. What a trooper. Can't believe you're a half a year old!! When your big brother hit six months, I made a half cake to share with friends at church. Instead, your mommy is deserting you for a much-needed girls night out to celebrate my birthday with friends. Hopefully, daddy will make it up to you tonight.
I love you, sweet Sam. Thank you for making our family ever so delightful by your presence. You've been a perfect addition, and we can't imagine how we ever got along without you! Happy Half a Year!
Last Few Bits...
In addition to taking in as much time with Emily as possible the last couple weeks, we've also been living up the last few bits of summer. Lots of playtime outside in the evenings after dinner, which is where I caught this adorable and absolutely contagious smile from Sam.
Last week, we started our week with a trip to the park with some sweet friends, who are thankfully back home in Georgia.
It's been a hot and muggy summer and preschool starts back this week. I must admit I'm looking forward to the routine that accompanies the school year. Jack will be in preschool on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and Sam will join him on Thursdays. So, Tuesday mornings will be Sam time with mommy, and Thursdays I'll have some mommy-time.
I caught this sweet moment last Wednesday while we were celebrating my birthday and watching the "Miking Queen" movie. (Also known as Cars.)
M is for Meltdown
So, the morning started out pretty smoothly. Jack was up and going by 6:45. I was halfway expecting to have to drag him out of the bed at 7:45. So, we had some quiet time and breakfast (chocolate milk & blueberry nutrigrain bar). Since Sam was snoozing away, Jack watched Clifford while I prepared Sam's breakfast. Then, after showering I got Jack dressed and worked on that dreaded bed head. Sam finally woke up, but there was really only time to get him dressed and in the car before heading off to school. So, he got his bottle in the car. I managed to snap a few shots of Jack before we loaded up.
We talked about school all the way to the church. He seemed excited or as excited as normal. He absolutely LOVED school last year and would run to greet his teachers. So, I expect this year to be the same...but alas it make take a while to get there. I walked him in and got him interested in puzzles and he began working on them with his buddy, Andrew. Maybe it was the other four kids melting down, the fact that it's a new room, the fact that we've been together mostly all summer, but our big boy lost it when he noticed I'd left the room. Yelling and screaming for his mommy. I got around the corner and realized I'd forgotten to give his teacher his extra clothes. I returned to leave them at the door, and he spotted me through the glass (despite the fact that it's tinted). I reassured him to no avail. So, Sam and I just left. (Afterall, we had a date with the pediatrician.) Of course, when I get to the car my iPod had to be playing Lyle Lovett's "If I Needed You." I know he settled down shortly after I left, otherwise they would have called me, but I wanted to scoop him up and love on him some more. I must admit it feels so good when the big boy still wants to be held. Anyway, I look forward to our drop-offs going a lot smoother as the school year progresses. Maybe soon it will be much like last year, when he runs ahead of me to his class...yet, greets me with a longing smile and big hug at pick-up!
Monday, August 16, 2010
Family Fun
Sunday we made the short drive down to Winterville (just outside of Athens) for a family reunion. Despite the heat and humidity, it was a grand and great afternoon. As you can see, Sam got in some great grand time with Mimi & great Grandaddy.
Jack didn't seem to mind that there were swings at the park where we had lunch.
He also enjoyed getting a lift and a little ride.
Not to mention the chocolate cupcakes.
He even managed to find a place to cool off.
Monday, Monday
So, I managed to get both boys bathed and in bed at a decent hour (although still about 20 minutes later than I had hoped). And, nevermind, htat he laid awake chattering and talking for at least another 20 minutes. I also got more laundry folded and put away. I got Jack's lunch made for tomorrow. I have his clothes laid out and his bag packed. Tomorrow is Jack's first day of 2-year-old preschool. This year he's a Wiggle Worm. I've been prepping him for a few days about going back to school. I don't anticipate any struggle because he LOVED school so much last year. The only hiccup may be in the mornings...let's just say we've been taking it quite easy this summer. I won't complain too much since his school doesn't even start until 9 a.m., but some mornings this summer he has slept until 8:30! (Not to mention little brother Sam has grown accustomed to a lax schedule sometimes snoozing until 9!) I'm hoping getting them both in bed by 8:30 (even though it was after 8:45, when I tucked Jack in.) Anyway, I'm looking forward to my morning with Sam. We'll get a little date every Tuesday while Jack is at school. I'm afraid it will usually include boring errands like the grocery store or cleaning house. I'm thinking he really won't be excited about tomorrow's date: Six month check-up with Dr. Schulz...which means shots. Ouch!
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Another year older. Maybe it's just me, but 31 just sounds boring. I mean 30 sounds like a big deal and even 32, but one year beyond 30? Nothing fun or flashy. I feel the same way about 36 or 37. Just my ramblings on turning 31.
Josh ordered a few birthday gifts for me early last week. When they arrived this week in boxes, Jack wanted to open them. Josh told him they were for my birthday. Jack said, "It's cccccake!!"
Josh ordered a few birthday gifts for me early last week. When they arrived this week in boxes, Jack wanted to open them. Josh told him they were for my birthday. Jack said, "It's cccccake!!"
Monday, August 9, 2010
Soaking It In...
Last week seemed like a pretty slow week (especially compared to our long weekend) as thing seem to be winding down as everyone prepares to go back to school. Thankfully, we managed to soak up a little bit more sun and lots more Aunt Emmy time. We got to see Auntie Em not once, not twice, not three...but FOUR times last week. Monday she and Mema came to spend the day with us. The boys had a great time being entertained and spoiled. I was hoping to squeeze one more Splash Zone visit in with my best helper alongside us. So, Em joined us on Tuesday for a cloudy turned sunny day stop at our favorite water hangout. The trip wouldn't be complete without a stop at Chick-fil-A and Target, of course.
Sweet Emmy journeyed back to play on Friday night while Josh & I slipped out to dinner. Our fourth visit was Saturday night when the rest of my family gathered to celebrate my birthday (that is fast approaching). We've enjoyed having you around so much this summer, Emily. I know you will be beyond overjoyed to pick up your husband (with whom you just marked your first anniversary of marriage) on Saturday, but that also means just 13 more days with you here on the mainland. And, so much of that will be spent running around visiting lots of family. Anyway, it seems like just last week I wrote this post, and now, it's almost time for you to leave. We will miss you dearly, but know we'll be planning some video chat dates very soon. Then, not long after that we'll be planning a trip to see you in your new home. Thanks for making so much time for us this summer. We love you!
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Words from the Wise?
I've been meaning to update everyone on a few of the things that Jack has been saying these days. Here are a few things Josh & I overhear:
"I saw thunder. I saw light-ting too. I saw it yesy-a-day!"
Yesy-a-day to mean anytime in the recent past (including earlier that same day or a week ago)
"Don't kick, baby Sam. Or get BIG 'pankin!"
'Pankin means spanking. I have no idea where he learned to threaten with spanking
"Let's go get wet car!"
This means he wants to go through the automatic carwash.
"I love motor-mycle. Do you love motor-mycle?"
He's a tad bit obsessed with motorcycles.
"I know two Caro-lions!"
Caro-lion is used interchangably for Caroline. He gets excited when he realizes he knows two people with the same name. It happened again the other day: "I know two Mr. Y-ans! (a.k.a. Ryan)
"Yes, sir."
We've almost broken him of saying, "yeah" all the time, but he doesn't quite have the hang of sir vs. mam. So, everyone is a sir.
"Daddy go hoppa-pital and help sick people?"
Right up there with his obsession with fire trucks, ambulances and airplanes are hospitals. Somehow he can pick them out when we are in other cities, too!
"Thank you God for my teddy bear cookies. Thank you God for my cookies. Thank you God for my chocolate cookies with candy. Amen"
You really never know where bedtime prayers are going to take you each night. Sometimes they are sweet, other times hilarious, but always honest! When's the last time you thanked God for Teddy Grahams?
After being rewarded for pooping in the potty with a new DVD, a recent bedtime prayer went like this. Jack: "Thank you God for baby Sam. Thank you God for Daddy. Thank you God for my movies." Josh: "And thank you God for Mommy." Jack: "No, my MOVIES!"
"No, I do it my by self."
He likes to exercise his independence.
When being prepped before entering a friend's house who just had a new baby, I reminded him that we don't touch babies. Jack: "We just touch baby Sam?" Me:"Yes we can touch baby Sam gently." Jack: "And...Miss Meh-a-dif's baby?" Me: "Yes, sometimes you do touch baby Ellie."
" Sam, wake up! Look for Thomas." This was said in a whisper on the way to Bryson City last Friday.
"I saw thunder. I saw light-ting too. I saw it yesy-a-day!"
Yesy-a-day to mean anytime in the recent past (including earlier that same day or a week ago)
"Don't kick, baby Sam. Or get BIG 'pankin!"
'Pankin means spanking. I have no idea where he learned to threaten with spanking
"Let's go get wet car!"
This means he wants to go through the automatic carwash.
"I love motor-mycle. Do you love motor-mycle?"
He's a tad bit obsessed with motorcycles.
"I know two Caro-lions!"
Caro-lion is used interchangably for Caroline. He gets excited when he realizes he knows two people with the same name. It happened again the other day: "I know two Mr. Y-ans! (a.k.a. Ryan)
"Yes, sir."
We've almost broken him of saying, "yeah" all the time, but he doesn't quite have the hang of sir vs. mam. So, everyone is a sir.
"Daddy go hoppa-pital and help sick people?"
Right up there with his obsession with fire trucks, ambulances and airplanes are hospitals. Somehow he can pick them out when we are in other cities, too!
"Thank you God for my teddy bear cookies. Thank you God for my cookies. Thank you God for my chocolate cookies with candy. Amen"
You really never know where bedtime prayers are going to take you each night. Sometimes they are sweet, other times hilarious, but always honest! When's the last time you thanked God for Teddy Grahams?
After being rewarded for pooping in the potty with a new DVD, a recent bedtime prayer went like this. Jack: "Thank you God for baby Sam. Thank you God for Daddy. Thank you God for my movies." Josh: "And thank you God for Mommy." Jack: "No, my MOVIES!"
"No, I do it my by self."
He likes to exercise his independence.
When being prepped before entering a friend's house who just had a new baby, I reminded him that we don't touch babies. Jack: "We just touch baby Sam?" Me:"Yes we can touch baby Sam gently." Jack: "And...Miss Meh-a-dif's baby?" Me: "Yes, sometimes you do touch baby Ellie."
" Sam, wake up! Look for Thomas." This was said in a whisper on the way to Bryson City last Friday.
Monday, August 2, 2010
What About Sam?
A dear friend of mine recently asked if Sam joined us on our journey to meet Thomas. I then realized I had left him out of the pictures I posted on the blog. I guess such is the life of an easy-going, well-behaved, good-natured second child. I again did my Baby Wise techniques and know they have a good deal to do with his good-nature and flexibility, but we also know that we've been blessed by a fantastic little one. Because he goes with the flow so easily and joins in the fun, he rarely gets mentioned in my posts. Poor guy...I guess he if threw a fit or caused a hiccup in our plans, he'd be more likely to get a nod. Anyway, here's what our precious little Sam has been up to...
Enjoying some TLC from Gracie during a recent playdate.
Getting kisses from Mommy while enduring the Thomas train ride.
Trying to get someone to give me some REAL food. "Man those goldfish look yummy!"
Using big brother as my tackling dummy
Catching some Zzzzs at the ball park in the suite. "What ball game?"
Play Ball
Sunday afternoon we had the wonderful opportunity to take Jack & Sam to the Gwinnett Braves game. Thanks to a kind invitation, we were able to enjoy the game in the shade and cool air. It was the perfect setting to take in a game with two small children in tow. Jack was in heaven with his popcorn and baseball cap. He also enjoyed greeting Chopper. The suite was the perfect spot for Sam to snooze and then relax while eating.
The G. Braves didn't pull out a victory, but we had a great time. We took Jack to 3 Atlanta Braves games last year, which he enjoyed. After this outing, I'm thinking it's going to be a rude awakening when he has to endure his next game back among the cheap* seats again! :)
*I use the term relatively, since we actually paid nothing for the really great seats/experience and there are not many tickets to any baseball game that are actually cheap.
The G. Braves didn't pull out a victory, but we had a great time. We took Jack to 3 Atlanta Braves games last year, which he enjoyed. After this outing, I'm thinking it's going to be a rude awakening when he has to endure his next game back among the cheap* seats again! :)
*I use the term relatively, since we actually paid nothing for the really great seats/experience and there are not many tickets to any baseball game that are actually cheap.
Sunday, August 1, 2010
All Aboard!

We finished our busy day with lunch at The Station restaurant just across the street from the depot. Jack was asleep just after we pulled out of the parking lot. Josh & I keep talking about what a fun day it was.
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